Jest Design It Water Activated Practice Vinyl Cloth


Jest Design It Water Activated Practice Vinyl Cloth

Jest Design it Water Activated Practice Vinyl Cloths were created by JestPaint with the frugal and beginner face painter in mind. 

When using this cloth all you need is water and a brush, no paint. You can use your water as your paint, the design will stay on the sheet for a few minutes before drying out (the more water you use the longer it will stay). This is ideal for practicing your teardrops and swirls. The cloth can be used many many times.

Do not use any other medium other than clean water on this cloth. Do not get grease on the surface. Over time it might develop some great marks, to remove them get the cloth completely soaked and let dry. This product is made from Vinyl, exposure to heat will damage it. 

The cloth is approximately 13.5" by 18". The design printed on it is resistant to water.


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