Superstar - Blood Powder

Manufacturer: Superstar
SKU: 139-06.4
Superstar Blood Powder is ideal for creating active bleeding (arterial bleeding).

Superstar Blood Powder is ideal for creating active bleeding (arterial bleeding). The blood powder can be diluted with water, if you use glucose syrup or glycerine, you get the thick (sticky) blood. Please note that the blood powder only contains dye, the liquid does not thicken.
Dilute the blood powder with water and ensure a spectacular effect by squirting out of the wound or a pool of blood on the ground. You can also use it in a vaporizer for some red splashes on the skin or your costume. Superstar Blood Powder is not washable!

Superstar Blood Powder is available in a 50 gram screw-top jar.

How to use:
• Add the blood powder to water, corn syrup or glycerine as needed to get the red blood color. As you add more powder, the water will turn a deep red.

How to remove:
Attention! Superstar Blood Powder is not washable!
The blood residue on the skin is best removed with a cleansing lotion.

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